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- JIJ Landing Page | Manifest Intl
Free Study Guide This course will impart to you a Biblical revelation of God’s redemptive purpose for Israel, the work of Jesus/Yeshua as their Messiah, and how that impacts God’s dealings with the Jewish people and the nations of the world, even up to today. In this course, you will learn about: Why Jesus had to be Jewish Why the Gospel is proclaimed to Jewish people first God's purpose for the Messiah to redeem His people and all people The prophetic scriptures pointing to the Messiah How Israel rejected God's covenants and faithfulness The promise and reality of Jews returning to the Land of their ancestors "Jacob's Trouble" and redemption Sharing Messiah with the Jewish people Click to Download Study Guide Join participants from all over the world! Course audio Paperback Study Guide Course Materials & Bundles Listen on your preferred podcast provider . Follow to receive updates! These courses are offered free of charge because of generous contributions from people like you. Thank you!!
- RTA-Thank You | Manifest Intl
Thank You! We are truly thankful for your generosity and support of our work. May God richly bless you for your generosity as you help us reach more Type A's who need to recover! Note : Your contribution receipt will show as Manifest International, LLC. Recovering Type A is an outreach of Manifest International.
- Contribute | Manifest International
Contribute to Our Work God loves a cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9:7 ПРИСОЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ СЕЙЧАС We welcome you to share in our service for God's Kingdom through your financial support of Manifest International, LLC. We operate entirely by faith and are completely dependent on God moving in the hearts of generous people like you to contribute to our work. We encourage you to pray, ask the Lord what He would have you financially contribute to our work, and do what He says. We are so thankful for those who commit to an ongoing partnership with us in our work for God's Kingdom. Together, We live to Manifest our King! contribute To Our Work We are so thankful for the generosity of those who contribute to what God is doing through our work for His Kingdom all over the world. We know God will bless you for blessing us, both now and in eternity. Contribute contribute Monthly Monthly contributions help to ensure that our work continues to reach more people in more places with the truth of the Gospel. Any amount given on a regular basis, large or small, truly makes a difference. Contribute Monthly Targeted Support If you desire to designate your contribution to one of our specific impact outreaches, you may do so through planning center using the button below. We will honor your request as much as possible. Targeted Support Делать вклад Мы так благодарны за щедрость стольких людей, которые хотят внести свой вклад в то, что делает Бог. Мы требуем, чтобы все пожертвования направлялись непосредственно в компанию Manifest International, LLC, включая материальные средства, чтобы гарантировать, что они расходуются в соответствии с нашими текущими приоритетами, потребностями и мудростью, которую Бог дает нам в эти времена. Если вы желаете внести свой вклад в конкретный проект, мы постараемся максимально выполнить ваше намерение. ПРИСОЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ СЕЙЧАС Scroll down for more easy ways to give. Apps for Easy Giving PayPal.Me/ManifestIntl @ManifestIntl $ManifestIntl Use email : giving@manifestinternational.com Click here Apps for Easy Contributing PayPal.Me/ManifestIntl @ManifestIntl $ManifestIntl To email : giving@manifestinternational.com Contribute through Square Deposits, Wires & Checks by Mail Contact Us for Wire and Deposit Information : giving@manifestinternational.com Make Check Payable to : Manifest International, LLC Mail Check to : P.O. Box 11304, Charlotte, NC 28220 Делать вклад Contact Us for Details Contact Us for Details Checks by Mail Venmo : @ManifestIntl Mail to : P.O. Box 11304, Charlotte, NC 28220 Questions? Contact: giving@manifestinternational.com More Ways to Share in Our Work We are so thankful for God guiding and providing for us all these years. Our strategy is to continue seeking first His Kingdom and righteousness for His glory! You can participate with us and share in our work in these practical ways: Pray for Us Volunteer to participate on our team of intercessors. You will receive prayer updates from us with basic prayer points pertaining to Manifest International and how God is guiding us. Opt-in to Pray for Us Invite Us to Speak Invite us to speak to your church, group, or conference. We equipped to minister in many different styles, to various types of groups, and on various subjects that all point to Jesus. Preaching the Word of God (free flow preaching by the Holy Spirit) Bible Teaching (on specific topics, as led by the Lord) Living by Faith (living daily by the indwelling Holy Spirit) First to the Jew (God's plan for the Jewish people) Recovering Type A (events, retreats, etc.) Evangelism meetings (to the unsaved) Inquire about your group or conference's specific needs or focus topic Speaker Request Form Наш подход к финансам Мы живем верой и полностью полагаемся на Божье обеспечение во всем, что мы делаем. Наш приоритет - Царство Бога и послушание Его голосу. Мы приглашаем вас сотрудничать с нами в распространении Евангелия Иисуса Христа и созидании Церкви во славу Божью. Manifest International, LLC не является некоммерческой организацией, и поэтому ваши взносы не подлежат налогообложению. Мы верим, что Господь вел нас по этому пути, чтобы дать нам большую свободу повиноваться Его руководству. Это позволяет нам расширяться, сдвигаться и расти, сохраняя при этом нашу свободу слова и права частного предприятия. Это также дает нам право распределять и распоряжаться своими финансами, как бы Он ни вел нас. Мы с радостью платим кесарю то, что принадлежит кесарю, и считаем это небольшими расходами за привилегию оставаться верными Богу. Точно так же мы уверены, что Бог благословит вас за то, что вы благословите нас, выходящие далеко за рамки благотворительных вычетов. (1) Наш подход к финансам прост. Если вы получили от нас услуги или верите в то, что мы делаем, и Бог движется в вашем сердце, чтобы внести свой вклад в услуги, которые мы предоставляем, тогда давайте, как Бог направляет вас. Мы верим, что добровольные добровольные пожертвования по воле Бога, волнующие сердца людей, - это Новый Завет и библейский подход к строительству Божьего дома. (2) Мы не обращаемся за деньгами через какие-либо формы просьб о поддержке. Напротив, мы верим в слова Иисуса о том, чтобы получать и отдавать даром. У нас нет плана Б. Бог верен. Мы живем, чтобы явить нашего Короля! (1) см. Филиппийцам 4:19; 3 Иоанна 1: 8; (2) см. Деяния 4:32; Исход 35; 1 Летопись 29 Our Financial Strategy Become a monthly Contributor Monthly contributions help to ensure that our work continues to reach more people in more places with the truth of the Gospel. We are so thankful for those who commit to an ongoing partnership with us in our work for God's Kingdom. Any amount given on a regular basis, large or small, truly makes a difference. Contribute Monthly contribute To Our Work We are so thankful for the generosity of those who contribute to what God is doing through our work for His Kingdom all over the world. We know God will bless you for blessing us, both now and in eternity. Contribute contribute Monthly Monthly contributions help to ensure that our work continues to reach more people in more places with the truth of the Gospel. Any amount given on a regular basis, large or small, truly makes a difference. Contribute Monthly Targeted Support If you desire to designate your contribution to one of our specific impact outreaches, you may do so through planning center using the button below. We will honor your request as much as possible. Targeted Support Questions? Contact: giving@manifestinternational.com Contributions are non-refundable. Scroll down for more easy ways to give.